
Needs Assessment

  • Utilize a combination of research methods to identify the needs of individuals, organizations, or communities to inform program design and development.

Outcome Evaluation

  • Measure the outcomes of programs or projects, including the long-term effects on participants.

Process Evaluation and Program Fidelity

  • Assess the quality and effectiveness of program implementation and delivery.

Performance Monitoring and Ad Hoc Evaluation

  • Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of programs or projects to ensure they are on track to achieve their objectives.

Evaluation Capacity Building

  • Help organizations and individuals develop the skills and knowledge needed to design, implement, and evaluate programs and projects.

Research Design and Data Analysis

  • Design research and evaluation projects, collect and analyze data, and produce reports and/or publications.

Evaluation and Research

Training and Development

Workshops and Seminars

  • Provide workshops and seminars around a wide variety of assessment and evaluation topics.

Training Needs Assessment

  • Conduct an assessment of organizational training needs, taking into account employee competencies, job requirements, and goals, to design appropriate and effective training interventions to increase evaluation capacity.

Organizational Development Consulting

  • Provide assistance on organizational strategies to promote a learning culture around continued utilization of evaluation.