Needs Assessment
Utilize a combination of research methods to identify the needs of individuals, organizations, or communities to inform program design and development.
Outcome Evaluation
Measure the outcomes of programs or projects, including the long-term effects on participants.
Process Evaluation and Program Fidelity
Assess the quality and effectiveness of program implementation and delivery.
Performance Monitoring and Ad Hoc Evaluation
Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of programs or projects to ensure they are on track to achieve their objectives.
Evaluation Capacity Building
Help organizations and individuals develop the skills and knowledge needed to design, implement, and evaluate programs and projects.
Research Design and Data Analysis
Design research and evaluation projects, collect and analyze data, and produce reports and/or publications.
Workshops and Seminars
Provide workshops and seminars around a wide variety of assessment and evaluation topics.
Training Needs Assessment
Conduct an assessment of organizational training needs, taking into account employee competencies, job requirements, and goals, to design appropriate and effective training interventions to increase evaluation capacity.
Organizational Development Consulting
Provide assistance on organizational strategies to promote a learning culture around continued utilization of evaluation.